QustomDot is an advanced materials start-up that produces on-chip grade and cadmium-free quantum dots.
INAM was first introduced to QustomDot during our 2018 AdMaCom Program where they were one of the earliest staged startups in the cohort. Since then, the team has endured and earlier this year, QustomDot received a €3 Million investment which finally made their tiny university spin-off and full-fledged company.
Little known fact about Quantom Dots: There is only one commercially available QD technology that is stable enough to be used directly on the LED chip, however it is based on cadmium, which is restricted by RoHS directive of the European Commission. The display and lighting industry have completely shifted towards cadmium-free QD alternatives and thus are not eager to use cadmium-based QDs in their devices.
This is why QustomDot's technology is so groundbreaking. Their technology is truly unique since commercially available QDs either contain cadmium or are not on-chip grade.
Currently, QustomDot is looking for business partners and collaborators who are looking for high-quality Quantum Dots and color conversions.
If you'd like to learn more about QustomDot, visit their website and LinkedIn.
Also, we encourage you to listen to CEO, Kim de Nolf's episode of Start Up the Science! (Note: she wasn't the CEO yet and she was our VERY FIRST recording ever).