INAM is headed to Frankfurt, Germany from 26-27 February 2020 for 2 exciting events!

Our friends at High Tech Gründerfonds are organising the Chemistry Pitch Day: Re- defining Chemistry together with ALTANA, BASF, BÜFA, Evonik, and LANXESS on the 26th of February 2020 at the IHK Frankfurt.
INAM will be there with (hopefully) a few of our startups who will have been chosen to pitch at the event.
For more information, go to their website.
The pitch day was organised alongside the European Chemistry Partnering (ECP) event.

ECP has become the "must-attend event" for everyone: startups, SMEs, large companies, investors and qualified service providers. It's a day where everyone can "come together for a rendezvous on innovations: the ECP is the day when everyone once again takes a look beyond the horizon. The aim is to think “out of the box”, for even more innovations in the short term. And it is necessary, because: Chemistry makes the World go around!"
Come find INAM at ECP. We'll be at the INAM booth alongside a handulf of our talented chemistry startups!
Find out more about ECP by visiting their website.